Jumat, November 23, 2007

Menyulap Rempah Jadi Obat

Tanaman ini berkhasiat sebagai obat batuk. Cara membuat ramuannya, ambil 10 gram daging buahnya lalu seduh dengan 1 gelas air panas. Tambahkan sedikit gula merah. Diminum pagi dan sore setelah larutan dingin.

Bukan cuma sedap dijadikan bumbu, bawang merah juga berkhasiat sebagai penurun panas dan demam. Terutama bagi anak-anak. Parut 20 gram bawang merah dan tempelkan pada sekujur badan.

Sudah sangat lama bawang putih dinyatakan berkhasiat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Tak perlu repot-repot mengolah atau membuatnya jadi ramuan. Lalap saja mentah-mentah. Khasiatnya pasti prima.

Berkhasiat untuk menyembuhkan batuk. Anda bisa membuat larutan belimbing wuluh dengan merebus 1 gelas air bersama 11 gram buah belimbing, dan 5 gram gula jawa. Setelah 15 menit, larutan bisa diangkat dan disaring. Larutan ini bisa untuk konsumsi 1 hari, dua kali minum.

Baluran air cabe merah konon bisa meredakan gejala rematik yang mengganggu. Campur 10 gram serbuk cabe merah di dalam 1/2 gelas air panas. Diamkan beberapa menit lalu balurkan pada bagian badan yang sakit.

Untuk menghangatkan perut, cengkeh termasuk obat yang cukup ampuh. Kandungan minyak atsiri, eugenin, dan vanilinnya mampu membuat perut yang sakit sedikit reda. Seduh 5 gram cengkeh dalam 1 gelas air panas. Minum air seduhan itu 2 kali sehari, masing-masing 1/2 gelas.

Jahe sangat ampuh untuk menghangatkan tubuh dan meredakan batuk. Bakar 15 gram jahe selama 15 menit kemudian dimemarkan. Seduh dengan 1 gelas air panas dan tambahkan 1 sendok makan madu. Minum setelah diaduk rata.

Selain jahe, jeruk nipis juga disebut-sebut amat ampuh menyembuhkan batuk. Minumlah air jeruk nipis yang telah ditambahkan 1 sendok teh madu manakala Anda terserang batuk.

Siapa menduga bumbu yang selama ini menemani Anda dalam berbagai masakan, berkhasiat pula meredakan gejala diare. Tumbuk sampai lumat 2 butir kemiri dan seduh dengan 1/4 gelas air matang panas. Minum sekaligus setelah disaring.

Kalau Anda tak mau repot membuat larutan jeruk nipis atau jahe, kunyah-kunyah kencur hingga airnya keluar. Larutan yang dihasilkan dari kunyahan itu cukup ampuh, lo, untuk meredakan batuk.

Anda cuma membutuhkan 3 gram ketumbar saat masung angin. Bubuk ketumbar ini cukup diseduh dengan 1/2 gelas air panas. Tambahkan 1 sendok makan madu untuk hasil yang lebih prima.

Kunyit bisa dijadikan obat penurun panas atau demam. Parut 20 gram kunyit. Aduk bersama 1/2 gelas air matang. Peras dan minum. Larutan ini cukup untuk satu hari, 2 kali minum.

Berkhasiat mengobati perut kembung. Caranya, ambil 3 gram lada yang dihaluskan lalu seduh dengan 1/4 gelas air panas. Setelah dingin,

Berkhasiat mengobati kulit yang berpanu. caranya, ambil rimpang laos, cuci bersih, dan potong miring. Pukul-pukul hingga berbentuk seperti kuas, lalu gosokkan pada kulit yang ada panunya.

Berkhasiat sebagai penambah nafsu makan karena kandungan alkaloida, saponin dan flavonoida.
Caranya, ambil 10 gram daun pandan wangi segar, potong kecil-kecil dan direbus dengan 3 gelas air selama 15 menit. Hasil rebusan diminum 1 gelas, 2 kali sehari.

Unsur tanin dalam daun salam bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk meredakan diare. Rebus 15 lembar daun salam segar dalam 1 gelas air selama 15 menit. Hasil rebusan disaring dan diminum masing-masing 1/2 gelas, pagi dan sore.

Untuk meredakan demam, Anda bisa makan tomat minimal Untuk meredakan demam, Anda bisa makan tomat minimal sehari dua kali, pagi dan sore. Karena tomat mengandung alkaloida dan saponin.

Minyak atsiri dan kurkumin yang terkandung dalam temulawak dipercaya mampu meredakan gejala sakit mag. Ambil 1 buah rimpang temulawak, kupas, dan iris halus. Rebus dalam 1/2 liter air sampai tinggal setengahnya. Minum selagi hangat.

Menurut Kepala Direktorat Pengawasan Obat Tradisional Ditjen POM, Ketut Ritiasa, penelitian tentang kunyit putih telah dilakukan di Cina sejak tahun 1988. Kunyit putih diketahui mengandung minyak atsiri yang terdiri atas curdione dan curcumol.

Kunyit putih bersifat antioksidan dan dapat menahan zat radikal bebas penyebab tumbuhnya sel kanker serta dapat meningkatkan sel darah merah. "Tetapi kunyit putih sebaiknya tidak digunakan pada masa kehamilan karena dapat mengakibatkan keguguran," ingat Ketut.


Bahan di atas tak hanya dapat berkhasiat sendirian. Bisa saja dikombinasi dengan bahan lain untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih efektif. Nah, catat resepnya.

Ambil 1 buah jeruk nipis, peras airnya. Tambahkan minyak kayu putih dengan perbandingan sama. Tambahkan kapur sirih. Campur ketiganya hingga berbentuk seperti bubur, oleskan pada leher, dada, atau punggung.

Cengkah, merica, dan daun belimbing wuluh mampu meredakan pegal linu. Caranya, lumatkan 10 butir cengkeh, 15 butir merica, dan daun belimbing wuluh. Tambahkan cuka secukupnya.

Minuman berikut ini dipercaya nenek moyang kita mampu menyembuhkan bisul. rebus 1 umbi temulawak (iris jadi 5 bagian), 1 ibu jari asam kawak, dan gula jawa secukupnya dalam 1,5 gelas air. Setelah tinggal separuh, saring dan minum sekaligus. Cukup sehari sekali.

Haluskan 1 jari rimpang kencur bersama 1 sendok makan beras. Tempelkan pada bagian yang bengkak, balut dengan kain.

Sudah lama jahe dipercaya untuk mengusir angin dalam tubuh. Memarkan 1 ruas jari jahe tua. Rebus selama 15 menit dalam 2 gelas air. Tentu Anda dapat menambahkan gula merah untuk memberi rasa. Minum ketika hangat.

Jeruk nipis mampu mengobati sakit perut dari luar. Caranya, campur air jeruk nipis (dari 1 jeruk) dengan minyak kayu putih, dan kapur sirih hingga berbentuk bubur. Oleskan pada perut.

Nyeri di kala haid dapat diredakan dengan larutan berikut. Rebus 2 bunga cengkeh, 7 butir ketumbar, 2 cm kunyit, dan 1 sendok teh parutan pala dalam 1 gelas air hingga tinggal setengahnya. Saring dan diminum hangat-hangat.

Ambil 1 genggam daun asam dan 1 jari rimpang kunyit. Rebus selama 5 menit di dalam 1 gelas air. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum sekaligus.

Lumatkan 10 butir kemiri. Didihkan dalam 2 gelas air sampai mengeluarkan minyak. Setelah dingin, saring dan gosok-gosokkan dikulit kepala 2-3 kali seminggu.

Keterangan :
  • Ukuran 1 gelas = 220 - 240 ml.
  • untuk memaniskan ramuan, gunakan gula merah atau gula batu (jangan gula pasir).
  • Ramuan yang direbus hendaknya dimasak didalam panci enamel (bukan aluminium) di atas api kecil.
(Dari berbagai sumber)

34 komentar:

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Unknown mengatakan...

nice info...rempah - rempah bisa dijadikan obat yang bermacam - macam juga ya..

Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

The sharp bettor will always bet for the underdogs. They will also do it as early as possible. The squares will be waiting for the best opportunity and will bet only after a while. They will be looking to bet for the favorites. The best time to bet for an underdog is to do it as late as possible. You can find heavy action from the part of the squares on the favorites during this period. The best time to bet on the favorites in to place the bet as early as possible. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]online betting[/url] Betting is something that once you win doesn't make any effect to your next betting. Once you can win but next time you may not. In this field bonus specially cash bonuses stand for deposit bonuses for initially and redeposit bonuses. That is free money of course and if you make your win in your 1st bet all the time, which would be the best bonus you can get through this type of gambling process. sports betting Years back, gambling was a formidable game where bettors were sure to lose their hard earned money. Addictive and passionate in its own way, gambling was not the entertaining event of the college students. A sports betting event was too, similar in this aspect. However, gambling spirit means little bit of excitement, risk-taking sessions, and an obsessive pastime for many. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]sport betting[/url] The way things are going these days in the gambling business, offline sports bookings really aren't that far from being perceived as behind the times. Over the last few years, the Internet has taken the world of sports betting to the next level, corroborating convenience and manageability with comprehensive, high quality and reliable online betting services.

Anonim mengatakan...

Until not too long ago if you wanted to place a few sport bets you had to go to one of your local sport betting sources or a sportsbook. This was all okay, except sometimes the cues could drive you mad and I have personally waited over a half an hour just to buy a simple ticket with three bets. With a constantly increasing number of sport betting companies making their move towards the internet you can now place as many sport bets as you want from behind your computer or laptop from literally anywhere in the world. This also translates into the fact that you can concentrate more on reading sport odds and various technical details that pertain to each sport and increase your chances of making a choice that will ultimately present you with some profits. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]betting[/url] This may be true for many things, but unless you have psychic powers don't bet according to your hunches. You need a system that uses statistics and facts. Analysis of past games, players, weather conditions, and numerous other factors all have a part in choosing winning bets. bet online What is it that makes some books better as compared to the others. There are good books on sports betting and there are very good books. There are those books that have become cults and have a great fan following. They are regarded as the red book of sports betting. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]bet[/url] You will be able to know about the teams, position and spread points from internet and make decisions at relevant period. You should spend a normal amount of time in internet and study these resources. Following these resources on a regular basis will help you to earn more money. The ability to check the odds is another method for getting money from sports betting.

Anonim mengatakan...

As playing roulette will show you (because inherently it doesn't allow the possibility of a Selection System to operate, since any given number or colour can come up at any time), very few Staking Plans on their own will consistently allow you to increase the amount you started with (meaning that you are simply in the hands of Lady Luck on the night).
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It's a disappointment to anticipate a bang but get a whimper. That is what you should expect when you don’t have a clue about the real betting that goes on the football scene. Of course, you have to cheer on your favorite football squad. But when it comes to betting, you sing a different tune. You have to use your football betting tips smartly. Your money is on the line. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]football betting[/url] Myth #4: Bettors have the edge early in the season because oddsmakers and bookmakers need more time to assess the teams.
Reality: More hours are spent analyzing the opening week of the NFL season than any other is. A detailed, in-depth assessment of NFL teams begins more than a month before the opening kickoff. While it's true that teams often do not tip their hand during the preseason or against weak, non-divisional foes, players are in no better position to uncover this deception than are bookmakers. Historically, the first six weeks of the season have been very kind to bookmakers. That's probably not just luck.

Remember - don’t make any rash decisions about your money. Before you bet on a team, study the odds and learn from the football betting tips you’ve picked up. Betting right is always in your best interests, and once you’ve picked up that big, fat payout, you’ll know it was worth the effort in finding football betting tips. Just remember that the best tip you can always give yourself is to enjoy the game – win or lose.

Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

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